The chain-linked strap and quilted lamb leather are an iconic style of Chanel handbags. If you want the authentic handbag, be prepared to drop between $1,000-$1,600!
I must say, I NEVER condone purchasing a counterfeit item! It seems harmless to give $20 to that creepy looking man in China Town for the counterfeit designer handbag. You might think why not. These bags are so good that takes a professional to determine if it's a counterfeit or not. I have done a lot of research on counterfiet goods and essentially when you give the street vendor in China Town that $20, you're giving them $20 to spend on drugs and weapons; you're giving your money to criminals. So...don't! I have a pretty long paper all about this topic and I could go on and on about this, but I'll stop myself now.
There are plenty of options for those who can't afford an authentic Chanel bag that don't help criminals make their living and don't steal a designers identity.
Marc Jacobs does quilted leather almost as well as Chanel and at half the price. This red leather quilted crossbody bag is a great substitute at $595.
Still need a lower price?...
This black, quilted crossbody bag is from Forever 21 and at $17.80 is a good alternative for a cheap spring bag. The bow in front adds a feminine flair that is also trendy this Spring. You can get this bag in white and light pink also, but the bow is still black, which doesn't look so great. I suggest you keep with all black. The color blocking is too '80's for me.
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